I have created a poweshell script in which I am trying to find out the current directory in which the ps1 file is executing. When in execute the script from powershell command prompt, i am able to get the path properly. Using the path I am trying to Read some configuration values from a file which is located in the same folder where the script is located.
But once I configure to execute the script as a power shell task in visualCron, I am not able to get the path where my script is executed.
The sample code which I am using is provided below. The output from both the environments, i.e. powershell command and visualCron powershell task are provided below.
echo "##########-START-##########" > \\Server\test\log.txt
echo $MyInvocation.InvocationName >> \\Server\test\log.txt
echo "##########-DONE-##########" >> \\Server\test\log.txt
Output From Powershell Command
Output from VisualCron server when the same script mentioned above is executed. there is no output path.
My understanding is, Visual Cron reads the content of the ps1 file and then executes it from within the VisualCron environment. If my understanding is correct, how can I get the path of the script file in my power shell script.
Thanks in advance.