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Changes so far in 6.2.1.

[FEATURE] Client: Event info description added
[FEATURE] Server: Added support for x86 execution of SSIS with SQL server 2012
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed an error in the Remote Kill Task (object nullreference error)
[BUGFIX] Client: Fixed some issues in Edit XML node Task
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a DST bug which could cause some Jobs that should run during a DST change not to be recalculated for next run time
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a problem in the date filter of general file filter. Date comparison used UTC time instead of local file time
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed a problem with importing settings
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I have noticed some issues when upgrading from 6.1.8 to 6.2.0 to 6.2.1. I imported settings directly from 6.1.8 when I upgraded to 6.2.1 since I had some major issues with 6.2.0 and FTP processes not reporting the output properly.

Anyway, the main issue I have noticed in this latest version is that many of my jobs have reset the "on error" tab. Before I had many of them set to "Continue to next task on error" but when importing into the latest version, they seem to have reset to "stop job" instead. I have corrected the issue in all my jobs that required it, but I just wanted to know if anybody else encountered this issue.
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