We are encountering issues with the email task in VC with larger message bodies.
We are including a variable in the message body based on the output of a prior task.
Our testing indicates this occurs in [6.1.8] and [6.1.9]
If we read a file (containing 1000 underscores) we find the output correct when viewing the output in the VC Client on a Read Task (and in the file itself).
If we include that via a Variable in an Email Task (with the Output included in the email via a variable in the Email) we get an exclamation mark introduced ~ character 989). This repeats with larger files (our use case is emailing html report output).
Simple Test File & Simple Job Export Attached - Are you able to reproduce the issue ?
As above, we had been using HTML as the Email, but then switched to Plain Text for a Test and were able to Reproduce there also.
Edited by user
Reason: Minor Typos