We use IBM's Connect:Direct for Windows via the command line to submit 'NDM' jobs that transfer files from one platform to another. Previously i've been using batch files, which is fine, but I am trying to be more dynamic by using variables within VisualCron.
Here's an example of a line in a batch file that we'd use:
d:\Apps\CDSDK\Direct.exe < \\server\share\inputcommand.cdp
That 'inputcommand.cdp' could be named whatever, and its just a list of instructions for the NDM server to perform. So, using a Process Execute task, I'd do the following:
Working Directory: D:\Apps\CDSDK\Direct.exe
Arguments: < \\server\share\inputcommand.cdp
This does not work. When submitted, I get the following error, which is unique to the program but still means its not being interpreted properly:
The following error has occurred:
While processing the command line, '<' was encountered, but a '/' or a '-' was expected.
However, if I use a batch file or anything else that calls that command exactly as I originally listed it, it works just fine:
d:\Apps\CDSDK\Direct.exe < \\server\share\inputcommand.cdp
Currently running VC 6.1.4 on Server 2008 R2.
All other execute tasks work just fine with arguments. Its this one not liking however VC is passing those arguments. That, or it just doesn't like the <
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