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On our sFTP tasks to an as400 we are getting an "Authentication failed for type 16" in the error out log. When I uncheck all errors in the task is does complete successfully. For now, we are unchecking all errors but the problem is that if there is a real error it will be missed.

Also, remote triggering to the same sFTP server works great.

Forum information
Do you have access to view the logs on the SFTP server? If so, you may want to enable Verbose logging there and then turn on Debugging mode for VisualCron as well. Try the connection, and then turn debugging/verbose logging back off. The logs on both systems may indicate something that could be adjusted to remedy the issue.

There were a few other threads also about the "type 16" error, and so far they also were still being successful, but were still getting the error nonetheless. Logs will help us greatly.

Where do I do that in the console?
There should be a server settings menu option at the top/left, and inside that Window, a logging tab with a debug option. I'm not at my computer, or i'd get you a screenshot.

Sorry for the delay...been swamped. I was able to turn on full logging but there is not much to go on.

Here is the log file with extended debugging information:

1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Debug Job (2) was added to processlist: Billing-Nissan-Summary
1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Debug Next action: ActionContinue
1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Debug Next Task is: Get from as400
1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Debug Calling StartTaskProcess() with Task: Get from as400 (0)
1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Debug Task (2) was added to processlist: Get from as400
1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Info Task started: Get from as400 (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Debug Entering wait loop. Get from as400 (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:09 PM Debug FTP Command Count: 1
1/15/2013 4:38:10 PM Debug Saving Jobs
1/15/2013 4:38:10 PM Debug Destination folder: /home/transfer
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug strSourcePath (1): /home/transfer
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug strDestinationPath (2): d:\ftpTempData
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug strCurrentPath (3): /home/transfer
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug strRelativePath (4):
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug strDiskPath (7): d:\ftpTempData\
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug strDiskPath (9): d:\ftpTempData\
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Commands done
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Before dispose
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Disposing timer
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Trying to disconnect
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Stopping watch
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Before GetOutput
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Before RaiseTaskCompleted
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Info Task completed: Get from as400 (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Process status - About to RemoveTaskProcess (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Setting previous task in TaskProcessCompleted: Get from as400 (e3c89e11-2e93-41ac-9b1c-dfef9363097a) in job: Billing-Nissan-Summary
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Process status - About to SendTaskProcess (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Process status - About to RemoveTaskProcess (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Task (2) was removed from processlist: Get from as400
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Sleep ended because Task ended.Get from as400 (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug TaskWaitQueue.Dequeued.Get from as400 (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Else (1)Get from as400 (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug End of loop - iterating again.Get from as400 (2)
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Running Email Notification: 'Dave Jung'
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Job (2) was removed from processlist: Billing-Nissan-Summary
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Debug Next execution (2) for job 'Billing-Nissan-Summary' is: 12:00:00 AM
1/15/2013 4:38:11 PM Info Job completed: Billing-Nissan-Summary
The log shows nothing interesting here. But authtype 16 failed is really that keyboard authentication failed. Could you provide a test account for us so we can test?

Another workaround is that you set authentication in the SFTP server to Password.
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The server is internal. I am able to provide a webex session for us to remote control if that works for you?
Originally Posted by: Support 

The log shows nothing interesting here. But authtype 16 failed is really that keyboard authentication failed. Could you provide a test account for us so we can test?

Another workaround is that you set authentication in the SFTP server to Password.

PS: The sFTP server is set to password
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