The impersonation error.First lets tel you what kind of jobs I have:
I have three jobs monitoring the same network directory inc subdirs, 1 monitors file additions, 1 for file deletions and 1 for directory deletions.
Every job has a file write task to the same local file, writing some text and the path variable of the trigger.
There is a fourth job and this job is triggerd by the file created by the three jobs above.
This job is renaming that file and is processing it.
The four jobs have all the queue checkbox enabled.
I only have in the monotir file create job the impersonation error, but the task is doing its work, the file is modified by the file write task with the path of the trigger.
So everything works fine, but I still have an error. CLoning the task, or you different credentials don't matter. Same error happens.
If I stop and start the VC service in the services of the PC, the error is gone (after a new file add trigger). I have to do some new huge file modifications in the monitorred directory to get the error back and if it's there, it's always there.
In the logs I saw the following error before the impersonation error:
Err Unhandled exception in Task: The process cannot access the file 'F:\Jobs\filename.txt' because it is being used by another process.
This was seven minutes before the impersonation error. All four jobs are using the same local file, so what I did was using the onerror tab and telling the task to wait an try again in 1 second (50 times) if an error occured.
The funny thing is that the task is running as it should be but giving me an error....:-s
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Uses Visualcron since 2006.