I put in some debug statements and it is just stopping in the middle of loading cells in excel.
while NOT rsDetail.EOF
if bDebug then objTextFile.WriteLine("Entered Detail ")
intRowCount = intRowCount + 1
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 1) = rsDetail("QUOTE DATE")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 2) = rsDetail("AGENT")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 3) = rsDetail("FIRST")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 4) = rsDetail("MIDDLE")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 5) = rsDetail("LAST")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 6) = rsDetail("INSAD1")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 7) = rsDetail("INSCTY")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 😎 = rsDetail("INSST")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 9) = rsDetail("INSZIP")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 10) = rsDetail("DAY TELEPHONE")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 11) = rsDetail("POLICY")
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, 12) = rsDetail("GROUP")
for i = 1 to 12
objWorksheet.Cells(intRowCount, i).Font.Size = 10
set objRange = objWorksheet.UsedRange
if bDebug then objTextFile.WriteLine("Exited Detail ")