Hi Stevja01,
Yes you could use version 6 to do this. I think this is a good step, you get a lot more in return. 😁
In the past I used a script to do this for me in version 4:
forfiles /p {directory2look4files} /d -{deleteAfterXdays} /m {searchPattern} /c "cmd /c del @path"
An example is:
forfiles /p c:\windows\temp /d -14 /m *.tmp /c "cmd /c del @path"This will delete all *.tmp files in dir c:\windows\temp older than 14 days.
If you use the /s also all the subdirectories are checked.
If you use the execute task you should be able to implement this.
Edited by user
Reason: added /s info
Uses Visualcron since 2006.