I got it working. I should have mentioned that I need to only grab one days data out of the folder at a time and then later need to put the same date (which is often a past date but not in a specific pattern) back on the file. What I did was this:
1. List contents of Upload directory
2. save a var as the first date stamp
3. save a var as the character position of the first appearance of the single quote (ie 29)
4. save a var as the character position of the first carriage return (ie 68)
5. Copy (ie move) files to Processing directory with the following mask
['A-Z 0-9]*.{STRING(Substring|{TASK(67b46d6c-4aac-4eac-9a04-27b912c4e572,StdOut)}|{USERVAR(Var1)}|{MATH(Subtract|Integer|{USERVAR(Var2)}|{USERVAR(Var1)}|#0)})}[']?
Using the list task output as the input for the substring call. This grabs the first file name in the folder (without its date stamp). The file is then saved with the name 123 and post processed with this mask
Which places its name without a date stamp back on it. There is a condition in place on the next task that check to see if all files with the date from step 2 have been processed out yet.
6. this step runs the processing on the files
7. Rename to add the date stamp back from the var
8. move the files to an archive directory
Steps 3 and 4 were problematic as the {STRING(IndexOf||)} command outputs a string even though it appears to be an integer and I needed to do math on it. I had to create two variables for each. the first actually checks the index and gets the number (in string format) the second is a dummy placeholder. The task then sets the dummy (with type int32) to the value of the fist (the string). If the constant box is checked, then this works, if not it sets it to the text from the first variable command itself.
There is probably more for me to do to get this perfect, and there were probably a dozen ways to do it easier, but this does work. Thank you both for your effort.