We have a number of jobs set up with failure notification e-mails for individual tasks. Most of these work fine - all of the e-mails are addressed to one person: me.
However, there is one notification that is defined to e-mail three people in the event of task failure, and it finally got triggered this week when we deployed a new job. It is being bounced with an SMTP 501 error, 5.1.3 Invalid address.
I have tried configuring the recipients list in each of the following ways, and none succeeds:
name1@domain.com name2@domain.com name3@domain.comname1@domain.com [this one works]
The ones with the <> delimiters seem to get three bounce errors.
As an aside, the default settings for e-mail include a to: with just my e-mail address.
I'm running on Windows XP.
Am I missing something with the syntax for multiple recipients?
Do I need a newer version of VisualCron?