if this is the case, that a starting slash sets NAMEFMT 1 and gives error, why does it not fail earlier - in the log, this is not the first time it changes folder that way. Just seems as simple as the folder does not exist?
Hi Henrik,
You are right, absolutely right.
I was blinded by the well known message "NAMEFMT set to 1." and didnt see it was a status code 550 instead of the normal status code 250. 😊
However it is still correct, that if the first CWD, LIST, RETR or STOR command issued references the IFS (Integrated File System), the i5/OS FTP server automatically switches from NAMEFMT 0 to NAMEFMT 1.
The two examples below show the difference between CD'ing to an existing directory and a non-existing directory on an iSeries with i5/OS V6R1M0. So levi's problem
must be that some part of the '/reports/branch304/20091014' path does not exist.
Switching to an existing directory:[C:\Temp]ftp 192.168.140.xx
Connected to 192.168.140.xx.
220-QTCP at dkxxx002.xxx.dk.
220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
User (192.168.140.xx:(none)): dswxxx
331 Enter password.
230 DSWXXX logged on.
ftp> QUOT CWD /tmp
250-NAMEFMT set to 1.
250 "/tmp" is current directory.
Switching to a non-existing directory:[C:\Temp]ftp 192.168.140.xx
Connected to 192.168.140.xx.
220-QTCP at dkxxx002.xxx.dk.
220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
User (192.168.140.xx:(none)): dswxxx
331 Enter password.
230 DSWXXX logged on.
ftp> QUOT CWD /temp
550-NAMEFMT set to 1.
550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
550 Working directory not changed.
Best regards - and keep up the good work
Ernst Mikkelsen
Trifork A/S