Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes in 5.1.7

[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed an problem intepreting UNIX Type: L8 FTP servers
[BUGFIX] Server: Changed behavior with Job.Exited Variable. This Variable is now set before Notifications are sent
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed double incremental of Variable NoExecutes in Archive and Copy files Task
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Forum information

I tried this version to test the FTP parse problem I have in version 5.1.6
The download gives me now two files, so that's better.
However, I still got the parse errors. These error's are now not on the files, but it looks like it is on a directory:

6/4/2009 9:29:08 AM	Info	Job started: FTSE test
6/4/2009 9:29:08 AM	Info	User "VisualCron Default Admin" - Ran Job: FTSE test
6/4/2009 9:29:08 AM	Debug	Job (1) was added to processlist: FTSE test
6/4/2009 9:29:08 AM	Debug	Task (1) was added to processlist: download
6/4/2009 9:29:08 AM	Info	Task started: download (1)
6/4/2009 9:29:08 AM	Debug	FTP Command Count: 1
6/4/2009 9:29:10 AM	Debug	ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
6/4/2009 9:29:10 AM	Debug	Current path: /
6/4/2009 9:29:10 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:29:10 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:29:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:29:11 AM	Debug	Before download
6/4/2009 9:29:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:29:11 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:11 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:12 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:12 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:12 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:12 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	After download
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Commands done
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Before dispose
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Stopping watch
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Before GetOutput
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Before RaiseTaskCompleted
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Info	Task completed: download (1)
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Setting previous task in TaskProcessCompleted: download (1b7cfaf8-173b-4703-a7d0-5ac7c2544e27) in job: FTSE test
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Process status - About to SendTaskProcess (1)
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Process status - About to RemoveTaskProcess (1)
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Task (1) was removed from processlist: download
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Job (1) was removed from processlist: FTSE test
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Debug	Next execution (2) for job 'FTSE test' is: 12:00:00 AM
6/4/2009 9:29:13 AM	Info	Job completed: FTSE test


220 DDS FTP server (xxx) Thu Jun 04 08:29:09 BST 2009 ready. 

USER ****
331 Password required for ***.

PASS ********
230 User *** logged in. Access restrictions apply.

502 Permission denied.

215 UNIX Type: L8

257 "/" is current directory

257 "/" is current directory

257 "/" is current directory

257 "/" is current directory

CWD /data/eurofirst/valuation
250 CWD command successful.

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT *,*,*,*,*,*
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT *,*,*,*,*,*
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT *,*,*,*,*,*
200 PORT command successful.

RETR ef3v0306.csv
150 Opening Binary mode data connection for ef3v0306.csv.

226 Closing data connection

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT *,*,*,*,*,*
200 PORT command successful.

RETR ef3vlst.csv
150 Opening Binary mode data connection for ef3vlst.csv.

226 Closing data connection

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
I did an other test, due to the directory parse error.
If I check the 'include subdirs' checkbox when downloading *.* from the FTP site, it can not go further down in the tree...

6/4/2009 9:50:58 AM	Info	Task started: download (2)
6/4/2009 9:50:58 AM	Debug	FTP Command Count: 1
6/4/2009 9:50:59 AM	Debug	ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
6/4/2009 9:50:59 AM	Debug	Current path: /
6/4/2009 9:50:59 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:50:59 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:00 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:00 AM	Debug	Before download
6/4/2009 9:51:00 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:00 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:00 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:03 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:03 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:03 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:03 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:03 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:03 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:03 AM	Debug	After download
6/4/2009 9:51:04 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:04 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:04 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation/
6/4/2009 9:51:04 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:04 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:05 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:05 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:05 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:06 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:06 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:06 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:06 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:07 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:07 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:07 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:07 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:07 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation//
6/4/2009 9:51:08 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:08 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:09 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:09 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:09 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:10 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:10 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:10 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:10 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:11 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:11 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:12 AM	Debug	Cleanup time?
6/4/2009 9:51:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:12 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:12 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation///
6/4/2009 9:51:12 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:13 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:13 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:14 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:14 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:14 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:14 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:15 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:15 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:16 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:16 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:16 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation////
6/4/2009 9:51:16 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/4/2009 9:51:17 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:17 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/4/2009 9:51:17 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:17 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0306.csv)
6/4/2009 9:51:18 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0306.csv)

This log is getting bigger and bigger, and you can see the '////' growing bigger.
The only files downloaded are the ones (2) in the root.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
OK, half way there... we will get back to you again!
Please like  VisualCron on facebook!
I am re-uploading (same version number) as so few has downloaded this version. Please test this if this works better.
Please like  VisualCron on facebook!
Here is the result of this version:

6/5/2009 8:49:08 AM	Info	Job started: FTSE test
6/5/2009 8:49:08 AM	Info	User "VisualCron Default Admin" - Ran Job: FTSE test
6/5/2009 8:49:08 AM	Debug	Job (1) was added to processlist: FTSE test
6/5/2009 8:49:08 AM	Debug	Task (1) was added to processlist: download
6/5/2009 8:49:08 AM	Info	Task started: download (1)
6/5/2009 8:49:08 AM	Debug	FTP Command Count: 1
6/5/2009 8:49:09 AM	Debug	ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
6/5/2009 8:49:09 AM	Debug	Current path: /
6/5/2009 8:49:09 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Debug	Before download
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Debug	After download
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:10 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation/
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:11 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation//
6/5/2009 8:49:12 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation///
6/5/2009 8:49:13 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3v0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         2425 Jun  4 17:46 ef3vlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efiv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         1102 Jun  4 17:46 efivlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsv0406.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): '-rwxr-xr--   dds grp         6374 Jun  4 17:46 efsvlst.csv'
6/5/2009 8:49:14 AM	Err	Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'drwxr-xr--   dds grp            0 Feb 23  2002 history'
6/5/2009 8:49:15 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/5/2009 8:49:15 AM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation////
6/5/2009 8:49:15 AM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation


220 DDS FTP server (xxx) Fri Jun 05 07:49:09 BST 2009 ready. 

USER xxx
331 Password required for xxx.

PASS ********
230 User xxx logged in. Access restrictions apply.

502 Permission denied.

215 UNIX Type: L8

257 "/" is current directory

257 "/" is current directory

257 "/" is current directory

257 "/" is current directory

CWD /data/eurofirst/valuation
250 CWD command successful.

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT xxx
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT xxx
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

CWD /data/eurofirst/valuation/
250 CWD command successful.

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT xxx
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT xxx
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

CWD /data/eurofirst/valuation//
250 CWD command successful.

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT xxx
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT xxx
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

CWD /data/eurofirst/valuation///
250 CWD command successful.

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

257 "/data/eurofirst/valuation" is current directory

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT xxx
200 PORT command successful.

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /data/eurofirst/valuation.

226 Transfer complete

200 TYPE command successful.

No files are downloaded with this version. Hope this log helps you to fix this issue.
I had to stop/kill the job.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Thank you for your patience Erik. We will fix this.
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Erik, we try again with a new install (same version number). Attaching.
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Hi Henrik,

What can I say, You've done it again! It is working now!

6/8/2009 2:20:21 PM	Info	Job started: FTSE test
6/8/2009 2:20:21 PM	Info	User "VisualCron Default Admin" - Ran Job: FTSE test
6/8/2009 2:20:21 PM	Debug	Job (1) was added to processlist: FTSE test
6/8/2009 2:20:21 PM	Debug	Task (1) was added to processlist: download
6/8/2009 2:20:21 PM	Info	Task started: download (1)
6/8/2009 2:20:21 PM	Debug	FTP Command Count: 1
6/8/2009 2:20:22 PM	Debug	ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
6/8/2009 2:20:22 PM	Debug	Current path: /
6/8/2009 2:20:22 PM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/8/2009 2:20:23 PM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/8/2009 2:20:23 PM	Debug	Before download
6/8/2009 2:20:23 PM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0506.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:23 PM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0506.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0506.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0506.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3vlst.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3vlst.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	After download
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation
6/8/2009 2:20:24 PM	Debug	Changing path to: /data/eurofirst/valuation/history
6/8/2009 2:20:25 PM	Debug	Current path: /data/eurofirst/valuation/history
6/8/2009 2:20:28 PM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0104.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:28 PM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0104.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:29 PM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0104.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:29 PM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0104.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:29 PM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0105.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:29 PM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0105.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:30 PM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v0105.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:30 PM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v0105.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:30 PM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v0106.csv)
6/8/2009 2:20:30 PM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v0106.csv)

etc. No errors anymore.

Thanks for solving this issue.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Hi Support,

We were investigating a problem on our servers and noted we were getting FTP errors even though the files were transferred as expected.

The only reason I've put the comments here is I notice that the ServerSystem is the same as ErikC was reporting.

The FTP server in this case is on WuFTP 2.6.2-5 on Redhat.

09/06/2009 18:00:28 Debug Running EventLog Notification: 'EventLog Task'
09/06/2009 18:00:28 Info Task started: FTP SBL CofAs to bambi (1257)
09/06/2009 18:00:28 Debug FTP Command Count: 2
09/06/2009 18:00:31 Debug ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
09/06/2009 18:00:35 Debug Current path: /headers
09/06/2009 18:00:35 Debug Changing path to: /headers/
09/06/2009 18:00:35 Debug Current path: /headers
09/06/2009 18:00:52 Err Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 67948'
09/06/2009 18:00:58 Debug Saving Jobs
09/06/2009 18:01:12 Debug ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
09/06/2009 18:01:12 Debug Current path: /batches
09/06/2009 18:01:12 Debug Changing path to: /batches/
09/06/2009 18:01:12 Debug Current path: /batches
09/06/2009 18:01:12 Err Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 0'
09/06/2009 18:01:13 Debug Commands done
09/06/2009 18:01:13 Debug Before dispose
09/06/2009 18:01:13 Debug Disposing timer
09/06/2009 18:01:13 Debug Trying to disconnect
09/06/2009 18:01:13 Debug Stopping watch

Our server version is 5.1.0



Please make sure that you are running version 5.1.7 first. Then post us any log.
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Was 5.1.7 production release capable ? ;-)

Anyways, I guess I will find out soon enough, here are the results of the FTP.

10/06/2009 09:29:59 Debug ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
10/06/2009 09:29:59 Debug Current path: /headers
10/06/2009 09:29:59 Debug Changing path to: /headers/
10/06/2009 09:29:59 Debug Current path: /headers
10/06/2009 09:29:59 Err Custom FTP parsing failed (UNIX Type: L8): 'total 68156'
10/06/2009 09:30:03 Debug ServerSystem: 'UNIX Type: L8'
10/06/2009 09:30:03 Debug Commands done
10/06/2009 09:30:03 Debug Before dispose
10/06/2009 09:30:03 Debug Disposing timer
10/06/2009 09:30:03 Debug Trying to disconnect

Could you tell me what kind of error this is:

6/17/2009 10:16:00 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v2301.csv)
6/17/2009 10:16:00 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v2301.csv)
6/17/2009 10:17:10 AM	Err	Error (6) downloading file(s): ef3v2301.csv, err: Socket error (error code is 10060)
6/17/2009 10:17:10 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v2301.csv)
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Commands done
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Before dispose
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Stopping watch
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Before GetOutput
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Debug	Before RaiseTaskCompleted
6/17/2009 10:17:11 AM	Info	Task completed: download (3)

and the output stops here:
200 TYPE command successful.

PORT x,x,x,x,x
200 PORT command successful.

RETR ef3v2301.csv
150 Opening Binary mode data connection for ef3v2301.csv.


I got this error during a normal ftp download after a lot of files has been downloaded.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
If you look at the log - can you tell me then if it is a timeout problem. If the Task has been run for a specific time. For example, when did Task "download" start?
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It is not a timeout issue. It takes around 3-5 minutes to complete the job.

I tried it several times, like 6 times. Two of them gave me now the following error.
These errors are different than I had before. The other 4 times I ran the job everything went fine. So the files giving the error in the logs below are downloaded correctly the other 4 times. How bizare.

Job Execution time: 00:05:08
6/17/2009 10:51:05 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v2511.csv)
6/17/2009 10:51:05 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v2511.csv)
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v2511.csv)
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v2511.csv)
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v2601.csv)
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v2601.csv)
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Err	Error (5) downloading file(s): ef3v2601.csv, err: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 502) (502 Permission denied.)
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v2601.csv)
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Commands done
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Before dispose
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Stopping watch
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Before GetOutput
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Debug	Before RaiseTaskCompleted
6/17/2009 10:51:06 AM	Info	Task completed: download (6)

Job Execution time: 00:03:26
6/17/2009 10:59:08 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v2201.csv)
6/17/2009 10:59:08 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v2201.csv)
6/17/2009 10:59:09 AM	Debug	Set to nothing(ef3v2201.csv)
6/17/2009 10:59:09 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v2201.csv)
6/17/2009 10:59:09 AM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v2204.csv)
6/17/2009 10:59:09 AM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v2204.csv)
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Err	Error (5) downloading file(s): ef3v2204.csv, err: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 502) (502 Permission denied.)
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v2204.csv)
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Commands done
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Before dispose
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Stopping watch
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Before GetOutput
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Debug	Before RaiseTaskCompleted
6/17/2009 10:59:10 AM	Info	Task completed: download (7)

So now it is working, but who knows what will happen when I test it again?

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
The problem is this line:

Unaccepted server reply (error code is 502) (502 Permission denied.)

What happens in the Output log in VisualCron that causes this error?
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This is what I get:

RETR ef3v1504.csv
150 Opening Binary mode data connection for ef3v1504.csv.

226 Closing data connection

200 TYPE command successful.

PORT x,x,x,x,x,x
200 PORT command successful.

RETR ef3v1505.csv
502 Permission denied.



Error (5) downloading file(s): ef3v1505.csv, err: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 502) (502 Permission denied.)
Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error


6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Debug	Creating write stream (ef3v1505.csv)
6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Debug	Getting file stream (ef3v1505.csv)
6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Err	Error (5) downloading file(s): ef3v1505.csv, err: Unaccepted server reply (error code is 502) (502 Permission denied.)
6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Debug	Closing stream (ef3v1505.csv)
6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Debug	Disposing timer
6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Debug	Trying to disconnect
6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Err	Error at GetFTPFolderNames: Control channel transfer error
6/17/2009 3:34:17 PM	Debug	Commands done

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Sounds like the file: ef3v1505.csv is in use/locked at server? Why does the FTP server send this?
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I don't know. If I try again, the file is downloaded, or the error comes earlier than this file.
Sometimes everithing is fine. You think it is a ftp server problem?

I can try it with a different ftp client to check if this will work or íf it will give the same error.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Thanks, it seems like file is in use on the Server. The error does not come from VisualCron but the FTP server.
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With FlasFXP I get the following:

[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,x,x,x)
[R] Opening data connection IP: x.x.x.x PORT: 60493
[R] Data Socket Error: Connection timed out
[R] Transfer Failed!

So it looks like VC isn't the problem here.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
I used the variable {DATEFORMAT(<datetimeformat>)} and I want the number of the month. That's the letter M or MM, so I get 6 or 06.


When I only use the M, I get 'June 19' as result. I expected to get 6.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
This is a .NET bug. Try using {DATEFORMAT(%M)} instead.

ErikC wrote:

I used the variable {DATEFORMAT(<datetimeformat>)} and I want the number of the month. That's the letter M or MM, so I get 6 or 06.


When I only use the M, I get 'June 19' as result. I expected to get 6.


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