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  •  ardyp
  • No customer Topic Starter

i'm trying this great program, and i would like to ask a question. Is there the possibility to set the programm to print fax? I mean, printing is already possible, what i need is to set to send a fax at a certain moment. If i try selecting my fax(have in win xp mx310 printer and mx310 fax) i get a window thah ask me the number to dial. Is it possible to insert somewhere the number to call?

thanks a lot 🙂
Forum information
After some testing we failed with this because you were not using the Microsoft Fax Service for your particular fax. Please try the alternate approach with Print Task in combination with Desktop Macro Task.

Please let us know if anyone else is interesting in faxing AND use the Micrsoft Fax Service and maybe we will implement it then.
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