I noticed that you provide several methods for shutting "off" the server, such as calling server.stop(), or changing the 'On' field to false. This offline mode no longer takes into account the schedule and future jobs until it is turned back on. The problem is that after you turn it back on, jobs that have the "Run missed Jobs once at Start" property checked and were supposed to be executed during that downtime are not executed. When you shut down the "Service" instead (right click on VC on the task manager tray, Server, Service, Off, the entire Server process is killed, and the client can no longer connect to it. Once the server comes back on from this 'Service off' mode, then the jobs with the "Run missed" property get executed at start.
I was wondering how I could programatically call this "Service" off command. When some jobs get stuck, due to performance reasons we tend to temporarily shut down the VC scheduler, but we would like jobs that were scheduled during such downtime to be executed. I'm writing a script that checks the currently running jobs, and if they're a subgroup of our specified list of "jobs that possibly get stuck", then we kill the Server service for the time being, with jobs that were supposed to be executed during downtime still eventually getting executed.
Thanks for the help!
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