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I'm creating a task that prints a document to a specified printer. The server running VisualCron has no local printers; I want to print to a specified network printer. I've added the network printer to my Printers and Faxes list in Windows on the server, but it still doesn't appear in the printer dropdown in the task definition dialog in VisualCron. I tried closing and reopening the task, closing and restarting the VisualCron client, and restarting the VisualCron server, but it still does not appear. Am I missing something?


Forum information
Much to my surprise, I was able to get a network admin to install the printer in such a way that VisualCron can see it. So, that's great. But now I have a different problem.

My job has 4 tasks:
1. Run a SQL query
2. Write the standard output of the first task appended to a dated file (to log it)
3. Write the standard output of the first task to a temp file
4. Print the temp file.

Back when all I had were the first two tasks, it worked great. I could see the output of the SQL query in the dated file. Now that I have added the other two tasks, I get the following odd behavior:
- tasks 1 and 2 show as having run; tasks 3 and 4 show as never having run
- task 1 has the expected standard output and no standard error output
- task 2, 3, and 4 have no standard output or standard error output
- the temp file (task 3) contains the following, instead of the SQL query output (and the dated file, task 2, contains multiple instances of this as I have rerun the job a few times):

"[Error in SetVariables, string: 
NT Notification {DATEFORMAT(M_d_yyyy_h_mm_tt)}


, err: Array cannot be null.
Parameter name: bytes]"

- finally, the contents of the temp file *were* printed out at my printer (task 4)

Any ideas what is going on?



P.S. It's always confusing to decipher these error messages (as we had to with an e-mail notification problem last year, too), because the error message is wrapped around my text that the error is referring to. Perhaps this will make it more clear:

"[Error in SetVariables, string:
NT Notification {DATEFORMAT(M_d_yyyy_h_mm_tt)}


, err: Array cannot be null.
Parameter name: bytes]"

The string referred to in the error message is the string that I used to define the content I wanted to write to the file. It contains two variables, one for the date and one for the standard output from task 1.
And problem resolved by adding conditions on tasks 2 and 4 to confirm that the previous task is finished (no longer running). But the behavior when the tasks overlap is decidedly odd.

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