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After upgrading a 9.9.12 installation to 10.0.0, I now get three pop-ups when I start the client:

"A message from Server was not understood. Please consider upgrading the Client."

This is sometimes followed by another pop-up:

"Unable to save Servers file, error: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\mromer\AppData\Local\VisualCron\settings\servers.xml' because it is being used by another process."

My client is connected to five servers. All except for my local one are still v. 9.9.12.

Everything seems to work OK, otherwise.
Forum information

If we got you right - you attempt to connect to 9.9.12 server using 10.0.0 client?
Yes. Since I'm getting the pop-up three times, I'm assuming it's from my 10.0.0 client connecting to 9.9.12 servers and not from the local 10.0.0 server on my PC.
I am seeing similar. I have a 'master' server running 9.9.12. I just built a second machine that I took up to 10. I'm experimenting with the 'sync server objects' feature. Seems to kinda work but I am getting the very same error.

I was going to pull the 'master' up to 10 and try again but curious as to how this thread turns out before I do it.

Hi, I've got a similar. I'm using the console (version 10) on a mgmt server, it's connected to 5 Visualcron servers (version 10).
But if just 3 servers are in autoconnect, it's OK. And the issue is back when a 4th server is set with autoconnect at startup.

I suppose there is a mix if too many servers are connected in same time. If you can have a look that can be usefull.

Have a good day
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