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I'm running VMware ESXi as my host operating system. I have created guest operating systems (virtual machines) running Windows 7 Professional/SP1. When I originally installed VisualCron on the guest operating system, the virtual machine was configured with 1 virtual CPU. The guest operating system reported 1 CPU.

When I add another virtual CPU, the guest operating system reports 2 CPUs. In the Server Info screen in VisualCron it shows Processors: 2, Logical processors: 2. When I check the Set affinity option in any of the tasks, it shows only CPU 1.

In the settings_server.xml file, the XML tag <ProcessorCount>1</ProcessorCount>. This XML tag never updates. On our newer machines, running Windows 10, same behaviour.


On virtual machines where I have configured with 2 virtual CPUs, and then install VisualCron, the affinity setting shows CPU1 and CPU2. The XML tag <ProcessorCount>2</ProcessorCount>

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