Manual Vs Automation : Database Cluster Management

When it comes to managing a cloud infrastructure, management of persistent data is the most challenging part. Persistent data in this case is basically any data that should survive the destruction of a cloud environment.

Since you can easily reconstruct your software, simple configuration files, and operating system; they can’t be termed as persistent data. Only the data you can’t reconstitute qualifies as persistent data and this data stays in your database engine.

The problem ensuring database consistency isn’t unique to the cloud. Well, the cloud creates a new challenge to an existing problem of backing up a database, since your database server in the physical environment is more reliable than the database server in the cloud. The virtual server that runs your database can likely fail completely and with no prior warning.

Whether physical or virtual, when the database fails, the files in the database are likely to get corrupted. And the possibility of file corruption is dependent on the database engine you’re using. Nevertheless, it can happen with any engine.

Avoiding Data Corruption

The most reliable mechanism you could use to avoid corruption is to leverage the abilities of a database engine that does support clustering. A clustered database environment is one in which several database servers do work together as one logical database server.

In such an environment, a transaction performed to the cluster will still survive even if one node fails. Clients of that database won’t be able to tell if a node went down, and will keep operating.

Organizations continue to demand huge data storage spaces, scalable and flexible productivity systems and fast data synchronization.

Therefore, cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive continue to provide an exceptional service that creates files and folders with many inbuilt sharing features. VisualCron works effectively with each of these cloud platforms and allows you to sync things easily.

Download and Upload Capabilities

In Cloud Automation, there are two essential features: uploading and downloading. With the downloading feature, you can have access to your files and file clusters using a shareable link.

On the other hand, the upload feature keeps a copy of your local data in the cloud, making it easy for you to have remote access whenever you want. If by accident, the data is lost on the local servers, all you need to do is to relax and download a copy of data that was initially uploaded to the servers.

Manage Files and Folders

What’s more, you can go ahead and create, rename or even delete a number of files and folders. The cloud services come with inbuilt tools that you can use to read the data.

VisualCron’s automation lets you upload and download files and folders easily; you just need to define a rule or task. The execution of the task will take place within the time preferences defined by the user.

The Power of Automation

When it comes to cluster database management, data automation has several features like data backup, fixing schedules, automatically running scripts, process execution and killing, registry updates, creation of system log information, file and folder copying, deleting and renaming files, and so forth. Only an organization can fully understand the need and power for automation. Businesses of all sizes have embraced this contemporary technology and keep using it.

The Place of Manual Data Input

It is worth noting that data automation isn’t applicable on every function and rightly so. Some functions may require manual input of data, and will only be constructive if handled manually.

Most importantly, data Automation saves organizations a lot of time that could be spent executing several tasks. Such time can be channelled towards managing other processes which require human intervention.

Organizations treasure their data, as they can use it for reference purposes. It is important to ensure that the management can access the data when required. Data automation is paramount as it makes data management effortless. With the automation features of VisualCron, the work at the workplace will become more easier. To get a Free Price Quote, get in touch with us today!

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