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The Google BigQuery - Fill Task loads data into Google BigQuery private dataset table.


The BigQuery Tasks require the Google Cloud Connection.




Input format

Can be CSV or JSON. When CSV is selected - CSV related settings can be updated:


Data has header row

Checking this one means that first line contains header row, and column named mapping can be used when running this task. Otherwise positional mapping would be applied.


Field separator

describes character that separates one field from another within one line;


Text qualifier

Text quotation setting (if set in input data). Character mentioned here will be removed from TEXT fields start and ending.


Line break

describes symbol(s) that are used for line breaking when parsing.


When input format is JSON

Valid JSON array of JSON objects is expected on input, column mapping will be done via JSON object property names.




Input type

File or String Data. When input type is file - file path needs to be specified.

Otherwise String value will be used as input. Both of these fields support Variables.