Understanding The Role Of Task Schedulers In Modern Business World

The current business world is all about automation of complex business operations and thus, enhancing the end consumer experience, along with its other lists of benefits. The sooner you realize the importance of automation for your business, the better!

Task Schedulers are used to replace recurring tasks that do not require human supervision. If you look closely through your business operations, you can find many such tasks and it only makes sense to find an efficient solution for their execution. And you must know that today Task Schedulers stand as one of the primary tools of certain BPAs or Business Automation Processes.

Job Scheduling has become quite common with the help of easy-to-use and highly efficient job scheduler software like VisualCron. All-In-One automation, integration, and task scheduler for Windows, VisualCron contains many default tasks defined to help you out and getting used to the architecture of the software. It also allows you to define your own tasks with ease. To know more, you can try your hands on a 45-day free trial version of the full software.


Understanding Task Schedulers

Task Schedulers are chunks of programming code designed to automate the execution of a task or job or for “controlling unattended background program execution of jobs.” If you look at a more technical aspect of this definition - Task Schedulers are used to schedule the execution of different jobs, lined up for execution in a queue, based on their priority.

You must have understood the concept of job schedulers in business process automation, by now. For instance, for an e-commerce website receiving and updating the information of delivery of a product is a recurring task. You can simply employ a job scheduler, instead of an employee, to seek delivery status from your delivery partner, update it, and send the product’s invoice to the customer. This simple automation can enhance your user experience multi-folds and help speed up your business operations too!


Task Scheduling and Business Process Automation In 2019

Business Process Automation has become pretty much mandatory in 2019 and can be implemented with the help of job schedulers in all parts of your business operations. Right from a welcome mail by your sales team and pitching packages by your marketing team to the use of EDI by coordinating departments, Job Scheduler Software can help your business operations in many different ways.


  • Improves Both Cost And Time Efficiency Of Your Business

Using a Task Scheduler Software to schedule the execution of recurring tasks from your business operations, you can successfully save a lot of time and execution costs. As such, you can carry out your business operations in a more efficient manner.

  • Enhances Consumer Experience

Timely emailing the products’ invoices, sending an acknowledgment for any registered complaints, and minor things like these can help you boost your consumer experience to a great extent.

  • Focus On Better Things At Hand

When recurring tasks are automated using job scheduler software, the management can refocus the labor saved in the execution of high profile tasks. This increases the speed and quality of task execution throughout your business operation.


There are many such benefits of using Job Scheduler Software for your business. VisualCron is one of the top-rated job scheduler software and has many satisfied clients. Click here to download your 45-day trial version of the software with full functionality today!



An enterprise project management is not possible without a task scheduling software to help with processing, managing, and creation of crystal reports tasks or task that work with various file action to facilitate multiple operations across different platforms.

But task scheduling can be tricky, especially when dealing with complex projects. This is why it is essential to have the knowledge of and understand what task scheduling mistake should be avoided in enterprise project management:

Manually Handling Schedules:

We don't live in the time and age when there were a handful of companies competing for being the best in the industry. The market place is jam-packed with a startup proving to be better than an organization that has been standing tall and proud for long. You have to evolve to survive in this cut-throat competition. Manual job scheduling in an old spreadsheet will not only waste your time and energy, but the monotonous job is also prone to error and compliance risks.

This is especially for creating reports, dealing with the bulk of data, wherein using a business intelligence tool like VisualCron Crystal report scheduler to design and generate the report from various data sources, should be put into practice. VisualCron Crystal report scheduler automates report generation and distribution process, with maximum accuracy without the supervisor having to waste their time and energy in implementing, operating and verifying the intricacies. With VisualCron crystal report task, crystals reports can be generated in various formats such as PDF, Excel. It is versatile and saves considerable time and resources.

Not Scheduling In Advance:

This is a common mistake in manual schedule handling wherein employee often forget to post the schedules for the day they took a day off lead to the disarray of task management. This makes it all the more crucial to utilize automated task scheduling software for scheduling tasks so that there is no last minute haphazard. With automated task scheduler, long projects can be easily created, and all the manual work can be quickly taken care of, without the scheduler having to worry about any delay.

Being Unrealistic With Resources/Productivity:

Each organization has its resource pool, and the task should be scheduled according to the availability allocation of these tools. Not keeping into consideration your limited resources could hurt your project in the long run by delaying it and waiting for resources. Similarly, as an organization, you are well aware of your workforce productivity and time duration in which a task will be completed. BY overlooking this aspect and committing for more than you can perform, you are putting your efficiency and reputation at stake.

Relying On Inbuilt Task Scheduler:

Many organizations are of the mindset that why invest in a task scheduler when there is already inbuilt one? Well, the inbuilt one lacks action and task, which then demands custom scripts for every task. The custom scripts can only be understood and operated by programming experts. This whole complexity defeats the purpose of a task scheduler being transparent. VisualCron task scheduler facilitates cross-platform and centralized scheduling, connecting to any existing task scheduler instance, without any hassle.

Adopting and implementing a VisualCron Task scheduler leaves no room for these mistakes and your time, money and internal resources can be better invested in attaining organizational goals.

VisualCron task scheduler provides a solution to more than 100 custom-made tasks for various technologies to help automate all your enterprise problems.developed with customer-driven approach and budget.

VisualCron task scheduling tool facilitates easy to use interface for enhanced accessibility and does not require the operator to be an expert in any programming language. You can trust upon VisualCron task scheduling tools to mitigate human error, dispense prompt and accurate support as and when needed.

Download your 45 day free trial today!

Make The Most Of Microsoft Dynamics CRM With VisualCron

With increasing competition among businesses of different industries, it has become very important to make the most of your available resources through automation and integration. The business landscape has changed a lot over the past decade with the help of different technological solutions such as customization tools and software frameworks. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one of these solutions.

What Is Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one of the leading customer relationship management software developed by Microsoft that focuses on a businesses’ interaction with its leads (potential consumers) and customers/clients. This is done through the integration of sales, marketing, and customer service fields of businesses. As such, a customer or a client’s entire journey, from being a lead to a consumer and beyond, is documented at one platform - Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Right from the point when a customer is a lead(sales) to the point when your products/services are pitched(marketing) to them, becoming a customer and ensuring immediate customer service, Microsoft Dynamics CRM has got you covered. Using this software increases the productivity of your sales, marketing, and consumer service of your business which directly benefits you through customer satisfaction and loyalty. Since the onset of this software in 2003, Microsoft has been asking clients to make the most of this software by development and additional customizations using the .NET framework.

VisualCron is an automation, integration, and task scheduling tool for Windows. It comes with default Dynamics CRM tasks such as ‘Get audit data’, ‘Start workflow’, etc. and also allows you to create your own tasks for better efficiency of the software. Want to know more? Test it out for yourself. Click here to download your 45-day trial version of this software with its full functionality.

Benefits Of Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Here are a few benefits of using Dynamics CRM in your business.

1. Efficiency & Productivity

With the integration of the most essential parts of a business - sales, marketing, and customer service, Microsoft Dynamics CRM enhances the efficiency and productivity in all these areas. Dynamics CRM helps you to automate task flow and record every aspect of the buyer’s journey and beyond. This helps the management to strengthen their grey area easily and thus, improves the productivity of different departments.

2. Customization Options and Targeted Campaigns

Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers many customization options which help businesses to use it as their established pace and workflow. For instance, you can set rules to get the notification of customer activity or you can prioritize tasks directly from the dashboard to define your own workflow using the software.

Dynamics CRM helps you to launch targeted marketing campaigns for your new products or services by defining its different prospects such as building leads, executing follow-ups, etc.

3. Customer Experience

Customer service operations are a major part of Microsoft Dynamics CRM which helps businesses to enhance their customer experience and thus, improving their branding with customer loyalty. Whenever a customer complaint is registered, the respective department is notified and as a result of enhanced communication between the departments, a ticket is resolved as soon as possible.

VisualCron Tasks For Dynamics CRM

VisualCron comes with many default tasks that help you to customize and automate Dynamics CRM operations for your business. Besides, VisualCron also offers its own easy-to-use programming interface with both the .NET and Web APIs. You can use them to enable your Dynamics CRM Software with automation and improved functionalities.

Here are a few of Dynamics CRM tasks offered by VisualCron.

  • Update entity: Updates an entity in the Dynamics CRM.
  • Start workflow: Initiates a workflow in your Dynamics CRM.
  • Download attachment(s): Downloads attachment or multiple attachments in Dynamics CRM.
  • Get audit data: Retrieves auditing information from Dynamics CRM.

There are many such default tasks defined in VisualCron to help you automate operations and make the most of your Dynamics CRM software. You can also use VisualCron’s programming interface to create your own tasks easily. Interested to know more? Try your 45-day free trial version of VisualCron with full functionalities, today!

History of Scheduling and Its Role in Today’s World

Businesses have been using technological solutions to boost their efficiency and resource utilization. From small-scale to large-scale businesses, automation processes eventually turn out to be quite necessary. It’s even now that when people talk about tools like Windows Scheduler or scheduler software, in general, the word “efficiency” always tags along and all for the right reasons. But, experts like to keep repeating that scheduling is an automation process and is much more than just efficiency. Before moving further, here is a brief history of scheduling.

Scheduling: Where It All Started?

The history of scheduling can be traced back to 1956/7 when Kelly and Walker started developing an algorithm called Critical Path Analysis which will be the onset of scheduling. Critical Path Analysis was written to schedule “a set of project activities”. Much later after this, the first commercial scheduling software was launched in 1980 name Micro Planner. And again, with the launch of the first Windows Scheduler in 1985, the history of scheduling was changed forever!

Currently, not only every operating system has its default scheduler, there are many different efficient scheduling tools available in the market enabling easy task and job scheduling. Not only you can define your own tasks but these scheduling tools also have inbuilt tasks like executing packages, running SQL queries, etc. VisualCron is one of the top-rated schedulers for Windows that is also an integration and automation tool. Download your 45-day free trial version of the software with full functionalities right now!

Role of Task Scheduling Tools In The Modern Business World

The world is moving towards complete automation of business operations and that day is not that far when people start using robots for their daily tasks. As mentioned earlier, task scheduling is also a form of automation. The role of Task Scheduling tools in the modern business world is along the same line.

Businesses, currently, have a definitive need for efficient utilization of the available resources and task scheduling tools like VisualCron for Windows are a great help. It not only helps you to create your own tasks but it empowers you to implement your task with zero programming knowledge. It also offers a programming interface for customized task creation.

The primary point is: why use human intelligence of external navigation for repetitive or recurring tasks? Task Scheduling or the general concept of automation was developed to ensure that businesses refrain from inefficient manual implementations of tasks or operations. As such, task scheduling tools, in general, help businesses a lot in terms of money, efficiency, low error processings, on-the-clock timing, and much more. Benefit your business from task scheduling software start today itself.

Businesses are moving rapidly towards task scheduling and to stay ahead of your competitors, get an efficient integration, automation, and task scheduling tool. VisualCron is an all in one and easy-to-use task scheduler for Windows. Click here to download your 45 days free trial of this software with full functionalities right now!

Role of Automation in Future Business Operations

The phrase “digital” revolution is being used quite often and, no matter how cliche it sounds, it’s the truth. We are moving towards a high-tech progressive future and automation is helping a lot in this progression. It is estimated that that day is not far when robots will replace half of the global workforce. Be it robots handling a machine or a simple biometric registration machine, automation has dug its rot very deep in the modern business world. There used to be a time when automation was limited to recurring tasks but with the help of today’s artificial intelligence (AI), automation has progressed a lot. Today, tiny robots even have entered households and this gives a glimpse of how the future is going to be!

Automation In The Current Business World

In today’s highly competitive business world and in spite of the best marketing efforts at our disposal, it has become quite hard to leave a mark in your industry. As such, the management is facing bigger problem with business operations and automation is a one-in-all solution for this problem. Automation, as the name, is the process of programming a task or a job to execute without human of intervention. For instance, biometric login system records the attendance of all the employees without going through the trouble of manual processing. This simple machine automation increases the efficiency and decreases the operational cost of this process.

There are many such examples and businesses have started the use of automation processes in the current business world. From automating salary processing and the use of software to automate executions, the current business world is all ready for the use of full-scale automation. Just like every new technological solution, there are still businesses that refrain from using full-scale use of automation in operations.

Few Benefits Of Automation

Mentioned below are a few benefits of automation that are going to be very helpful in the future business world.

1. Adds Cost-Efficiency

Businesses are hungrily looking for implementing cost-efficient solutions in their operations. After all, efficient utilization of available resources, net income, and prospects of scalability matter for business. In an article, The Atlantic writes: “In 1964, the nation’s most valuable company, AT&T, was worth $267 billion in today’s dollars and employed 758,611 people. Today’s telecommunications giant, Google, is worth $370 billion but has only about 55,000 employees—less than a tenth the size of AT&T’s workforce in its heyday.” Automation has a major role to play in the future business world.

2. Around The Clock Time

Only with proper use of automation, it is possible to maintain round the clock time in business. If implemented with labor, the overall cost increases and the productivity, obviously, decreases. In the future business world, automation will not only take over labor from repetitive tasks but more complex tasks too.

3. Lowers The Chances of Errors

Even today, large scale businesses lose millions of dollars because of minor errors. The cost of this stake is going to increase in the upcoming future and as a business, it only makes sense to trim the chances of error occurrences. Automation reduces the chances of error occurrences to almost negligible and strictly follows the defined protocol or format.

Businesses, nowadays, are using top-rated software to automate their business processes. VisualCron is an easy-to-use and all-in-one automation (task scheduling and integration) tool for Windows. It requires zero programming knowledge and provides a programming interface at the same time. Click here to download your 45 days free trial of the software with full functionalities. Prepare for the future with the use of software to automate your business operations right now!

Few Reasons Why You Should Start Using Job Schedulers in Your Business

In today’s technology-driven era, it becomes really important that you use every tool at your disposal for the benefit of your business. Businesses run on profit and it is necessary to ensure the efficient utilization of available resources. Technology has helped a lot in improving the efficiency of businesses to a great extent - from auto attendance record to electronic reading high-profile business documents and much more. Automation (practical implementation) is one basic ideation that is being used by businesses across the globe to make the most out of their bucks. Job Scheduling is one such automation process and is carried out by Job Schedulers.

Job Scheduling, as the name states, is the process of scheduling (queuing/ lining up) different tasks for execution based on their priority. A task can be as simple as copying a file or printing a document. Tasks can be as simple or as complex you want them to be. Operating systems you use in your daily life, like Windows, Linux, etc., realized the importance of task schedulers long ago and this is why they have a few in-built task schedulers. Right now, everything might sound really technical but using task schedulers is not tough. Even with zero knowledge of coding, you can use Job Schedulers for your benefit.

With today’s level of technological advancements, there are many Job Scheduling Software that is highly-reliable, easy-to-use and has multiple other features too. VisualCron is one such software. VisualCron is an automation, integration, and task scheduling for Windows. With a response and support system in place, use the most out of this software and make your businesses more efficient. Click here to download your 45-day trial of the software.

Why Choose Visual Cron?

1. Easy Creation Of Tasks

Using VisualCron, you can create tasks for everything. With its easy-to-use interface, VisualCron allows you to create tasks with a click and drag. The available tasks are from a wide range of technologies - Net, Process, Social, and many more. Use your 45-day free trial version of this software with its full functionality.

2. Progressive Updates

Unlike other Task Scheduling Software, new features are developed and added to the basic version of VisualCron. VisualCron has developed very quickly to be one of the most progressive task scheduling tools present today. Besides the regular updates, VisualCron offers to customize and add options to suit your business needs.

3. No Programming Skills Required

This is one of the best features of VisualCron. It can easily be used with zero programming skills. It has 100+ defined tasks for different environments such as sending messages on Telegram, publishing on Facebook, automation of SQL Queries, and much more. You will not need a technical expert to operate this all-in-one integration, automation, and task scheduling too.

There are many such ways VisualCron can help your business. VisualCron offers room for Custom Driven Development, integration with your current tool, offers API, and much more. With all these features, VisualCron offers a complete and proactive support system for smooth functioning.

Download your 45-day free trial version of the software right now!

Common Mistakes In Robotic Process Automation Implementation

Using RPA tools, a company can configure software, or a “robot,” to capture and interpret applications for processing a transaction, manipulating data, triggering responses and communicating with other digital systems. RPA scenarios range from something as simple as generating an automatic response to an email to deploying thousands of bots, each programmed to automate jobs in an ERP system.

The aforementioned is an excerpt from the CIO's take on how robotic process automation RPA is going to shape the business process management, to direct businesses towards an efficient, and productive future.

In RPA, machine learning and artificial intelligence are utilized to perform the repetitive tasks that otherwise take too much time in operating, verifying, rectifying. Software robots are programmed to perform these tasks to enhance the efficiency of business processing.  This also reduces the possibility of error and leads to generation of qualitative results. One such proficient tool is VisualCron, which goes one step further with RPA technology and combines it with background automation with file triggers, giving you complete control to effectively control and reuse the files/tasks created.

But since RPA is a relatively new and rather intricate concept, businesses have tough time trying to navigate their way about machine learning and artificial intelligence. Business operators have been anticipating a technology that would yield more productivity, reduces wastage of time and money. RPA is one such technological advancement, but businesses and organization in the excitement of implementing it in their processing, end up doing more harm than good.

Which is why we are going list out some of the common mistakes business make when implementing RPA in their system:

Starting Without A Clear Objective:

Unless you have a clear objective in your mind as to where and how do you plan to implement the RPA, it is all going to be a mess that would be difficult to navigate through. Before implementing RPA know:

* Your business’s goal;
* Your business processing lagging areas
* The people who will play a vital role such as IT department, audit and risk managers, etc.

Setting And Forgetting Automation:

Robotic Process Automation is a program and the "set and forgets" ideology will not let its potential be entirely put to use. It is imperative that the project is timely inspected for scalability, flexibility, ensuring that adequate investment is made in automation and RPA is implemented in appropriate infrastructure.

Automating Work Processes:

When you strategize RPA implementation, it is vital that all the processes should be carefully thought of for automation. Implement RPA where it would yield the best result, and you can calculate the maximum jump in efficiency. This will save time on testing and maintenance, facilitating better decision making for RPA tools.

So if you are planning to implement a new RPA system, we would suggest you purchase a credible tool like VisualCron automation, integration and scheduling tool, which aside from proffering various types of automation such as RPA, also facilitates Batch Job Scheduling, integration to escalate business and workforce efficiency and rate of accuracy. Unlike any tool you will find in the marketplace, VisualCron gives value for money service in its affordable tools, development of which is driven by customer’s feedback. VisualCron's tools require no proficiency in programming skills, and with its easy to use interface, it performs more than 100 tasks in a hassle-free manner.

Looking for an automation, integration and scheduling time that not only guarantees performance but also save significant time and money, so that your employee's talent is justifiably invested in a more productive task?

VisualCron is your answer.

Download your 45-day free trial today!

How Can Small Business Benefit From VisualCron Task Scheduler?

Do you know what’s worse to a small business than being constrained by their budget?

Unsatisfied Customers.

Yes, small businesses, unlike multinational corporations, have limited resources to serve their customer and enrich their experience. The experience becomes sour when there is no adequate scheduling on business’s part in dispensing services to the customer base. We understand it would be an added expenditure to hire a dedicated employee to schedule the appointments, calls or update the consumer’s information details but minor negligence or ignorance in scheduling can adversely impact the customer’s retention rate, which no business wants.

Thinking what is the need of a task scheduling software for a small business?

Well, a task scheduling software is needed to:

* Save hours gone in manually performing the task
* Eliminate the repetitiveness which drains employee of interest and motivation to work in an      organization,
* Streamline small scale business
* Optimize cost and utilization of resources
* Lessen management workload
* Maximize revenue opportunities

This is why we suggest you purchase and implement VisualCron advanced task scheduler and automation tool for your business so that the hassle of scheduling an appointment and keeping track of them is no longer your headache. VisualCron Job Scheduler/Task Scheduler unlike the in-built scheduler which was cost extensive and led to wastage of significant time and vital resources, is an advanced task scheduler that provides multiple scheduling solutions to create and manage several jobs and task, all at once. It is a cost-effective solution to readily schedule more than 100 tasks, without compromising on quality and security.

Having said that let us discuss how a small business can benefit from adopting a task scheduler?

* VisualCron advanced task scheduler and automation tool are easy to implement and operate scheduling solution which can also work alongside your existing task scheduler without interfering with the ongoing processing. What it does to enhance the efficiency of the tasks being performed is import the setting and translate it to VisualCron standard.

* By replacing manual task with VisualCron job scheduling software not only do you save significantly on cost and vital resources, but the vulnerability of error is reduced to minimum. Thereby your small business can rest assured that all task being completed are accurate and up to date, removing your burden of having to cross verify every single task.

* Unlike the inbuilt task scheduler, VisualCron's advanced task scheduler and automation tool provide a cross-platform and centralized scheduling solution. Cross-platform tasks scheduling and execution is a hassle with inbuilt task scheduler resulting in wastage of considerable time, without guaranteeing 100% accuracy. But with VisualCron's centralized solution you get easy management, and the business can control the functionality with a more clear outline of the system, with cross-platform scheduling solution, execution and scheduling can be done promptly across multiple operating systems.

You are wondering why shell extra bucks on an advanced task scheduler when you are doing fine with the inbuilt task scheduler?

Well, you have your answer in the question itself, you are just doing fine with an inbuilt scheduler, which for your information is costing you hefty bucks and is a hassle to manage with it lacks actions and tasks. Also with the built-in task scheduler error handling is not as dependable as it will only notify you when something fails.

Adopt VisualCron’s advanced task scheduler and automation tool to enhance your business’s productivity and efficiency and cut down on money and resource drain, effectively.

Download a 45 day free trial of Visual Cron Task Scheduler today!

Ftp Misconceptions, You Should Not Believe

We have gone to lengths in discussing how the file transfer protocol came into being and how over the years it has evolved into a more efficient file transfer software. You can read about FTP transfer in detail in our previous blog.

Despite being a competent tool that provides a comprehensive platform for storing and transferring files in an organized manner, that helps save significant time and money, there are several misconceptions that users have regarding file transfer protocol. In our today’s blog, we discuss and debunk these misconceptions in detail:


  • It is not as straightforward as sending files from one point to another:


Yes, the original purpose of file transfer protocol was to transfer bulk files from one client to another quickly. It was considered ideal for sending large files. But file transfer is not just that, it needs a secure channel for transfer of data. If you see FTP only as a tool to get the job done quickly, then you are profoundly mistaken. File transfer needs compliance, full visibility, adequate security controls and permission, the need for a larger bandwidth to accommodate extensive files, size of which are increasing with time. With VisualCron supporting file transfer protocol, you can rest assured that all your data transfer will be adequately monitored to ensure security.


  • FTP is a necessity since every transfer contains sensitive information.


Business’s refrain from implementing and utilizing the file transfer protocol, with the excuse that their business does not involve the sharing of any sensitive data. Even if you might not consider the data to be sensitive enough, every information transfer between enterprises which is big enough for an email should be adequately secured. With the passing time, sensitive data is only going to get bigger and should be adequately protected with data regulation policies. VisualCron facilitates the option to choose from private and public key authentication, along with the certificate, if required. VisualCron secures the communication to ensure file transfer protection.


  • Emails are not good enough to transfer large files:


Its human nature to do the work which involves the least resistance. But this should not be put into practice when it involves transferring vital and sensitive information about the organization, employees or employers. One such practice is transferring confidential information through personal email. Not only is this breach of compliance and violation of work rules and regulation, but it also makes crucial organization data prone to malicious intent. They say it is hard to kick the old habits, especially the bad ones like using personal email for business/work purpose. Then why not implement an alternative like VisualCron File transfer protocol, for more secure and efficient communication.

Yes, all these are nothing but misconceptions but why not save more time and money when you can, with automate FTP transfer by VisualCron?

VisualCron supports various file transfer protocols from FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SFP. VisualCron automation tools enhance the efficiency and security of transferring files, thereby reducing wastage of  time and money, which could be otherwise be invested in achieving business goals.

Not only automation but with VisualCron, you can also trust upon getting your integration and scheduling streamlined in a more sophisticated manner at a considerably reasonable price. VisualCron tools offer a discernible programming interface which does not demand users to be expert in a programming language, hence can be easily navigated by any employee, without compromising on quality and security of the service dispensed.

Download Visualcron 45-day free trial software now.

Understanding Batch Automation And Its Role In Today’s Business World

By now, it’s a well-established fact that technology has a major role to play in business operations of every industry out there. It can be in the form of a simple biometric system for recording employee attendance or something as complex as automation software for high-priority tasks. It is not at all surprising that the reliability on technology has increased, given its higher efficiency and better quality of delivered tasks. Batch Automation is one of the most popular technological incorporations in today’s business world.


Batch Automation - A Brief Introduction

Batch Automation, quite literally, is the scheduling the execution of small parts (tasks/scripts) from a bigger job. This means a job is split into smaller (repetitive tasks), coded individual scripts (small automation programs), and are scheduled execution by a scheduling software. Batch Automation is automating execution of jobs (in batches) often scheduled to be executed simultaneously.

If you look back in time, the history of batch automation started way back in the 1890s with the introduction of punch cards for recording census data by Herman Hollerith. It made the process efficient and which, obviously affected the whole process in a positive way. Batch Automation evolved its way over the past few decades and, currently, used by different business in some form or the other.

Business owners, sometimes, refrain from using Batch Automation in their company's operations due to the sound of technicality attached to it. Batch Automation is simpler than it sounds. In fact, there are reliable and easy-to-use automation software that can be used effectively for Batch Automation in your business with zero knowledge of coding or any other technicalities. VisualCron is one such software.


VisualCron is all-in-one automation, integration, and task scheduling software for Windows. You can use this software to easily create your own tasks and use them for a variety of customized options categorized under General Automation, Task Scheduling, Batch Automation, Robotic Process Automation and much more. Click here to download your 45-day free trial of the software.


The Role Of Batch Automation

Today’s business world has become more competitive than ever. Every industry is filled with equally competent businesses. With easy access to resources, it all ends up to how efficiently an enterprise uses its available resources and, automation processes such as Batch Automation have a major role to play in boosting the productivity of business operations.

Again, it’s not merely about the efficiency of a company or a business which is going to make it stand out in the crowd. Automation Processes offer an error-free execution of scheduled tasks along with round the clock timing. Not only this, Batch Automation and similar processes cut a lot from the labor cost of business. In the longer run - low processing cost, error-free execution, higher productivity, and much more can help to boost production and set standards of your product/services.

Another major problem that’s reported by businesses is a lack of coordination between departments and better monitoring. Batch Automation Software, once scheduled, runs without any external assistance. Once integrated, it provides room for better management and upscaling with the help of live monitoring and spontaneously made business decisions.

VisualCron is all-in-one automation, integration, and task scheduling tool for Windows. Click here to get your 45-day free trial of the software.

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