PowerShell Execute Task - VisualCron - Forum

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11 years ago
Hi Henrik,

Have been working around this a while and would like to present this as a feature request.

** I of course do not want to break the current Powershell task for existing users (of which I am one !) ***

At Present we have a Powershell Task that is very useful for small PS Code Snippets or simple PS scripts. For more complicated scripts we end up using the execute task with a CMD / BAT wrapper which is not ideal.

That is what I would like to see enhanced.

Some of the concepts / issues I have can be found here (along with the current work around):


What I want to be able to do is run a Standard Powershell script with includes, in the right directory and with the right execution privilege.

Basically I want to execute a PS script from a <new ?> Powershell Task in VisualCron and have it run in powershell exactly like it would run from the PowerShell command line (or from the built in PowerShell ISE or from the Powershell GUI development environment / editor).

So what I need is a (possibly a second "Powershell Script Execute") task that looks a lot like the existing Execute task with the following features as noted in the screen print:
- Run a PowerShell script in PowerShell
- Pass Arguments (preferably just like a command line / Execute task, rather than via 'Parameters' abstraction)
- Nominate the Working Directory (Critical for calling other scripts & include files)
- Set the Execution Privilege for the script (Run as). Note this is not the File Access Privilege, but what the script needs to Run as.

This would make the use and integration of Powershell scripts and extensions into the VisualCron world far more functional, and remove a number of work arounds we currently employ to get around issues with the current way Powershell scripts are run from the current powershell task.

I would appreciate any of your (or other Powershell Users) comments on whether this is worthwhile / suggestions for enhancement.

- for us we are probably running more than 50% of our Powershell (Scripts and Snippets) controlled from VisualCron BUT using the execute task and a CMD Wrapper (the approach on the above link), rather than the current 'Powershell' task, for one or more of the above reasons (use of Includes, Calling other scripts, Working Directory, Execution Privilege).

Screen Print(s) Attached
KJDavie attached the following image(s):
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