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We upgraded 1 server to V9.9.9, now the options for Job Log and Task Log are no longer available when you right click on a Job or Task. I opened a ticket and was advised to upgrade, which we can't do. We are on version 8.#, we definitely can't upgrade to v9.9.9 with this missing functionality. I looked at the Help Documentation for V9.9.9 and it still says you can right click on the job or task to see the log, which isn't correct.

Also, in v9.9.9, I imported an EXE job from v8 and now VC just runs for a few seconds and ends, but in the background the exe is still running (it should run for 1.5H). Due to this issue, the automation has to be manually stopped for 1.5H until I see the EXE disappear, then I an manually restart the rest of the job, which is quite a pain. One colleague recommended I run it using my credentials, I did try that, but the task actually failed when I did that.

Anyone have any advice?

Currently the plan is to finish UAT and then back out this version and revert to v 8.# that we're on.
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