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  •  XAAS
  • Paid support Topic Starter
maybe someone can help me. We start with Visual Cron right now and I need my first help.

I will upload files with SFTP, after the upload is finished, we must create on the destination server an ok file. This file is allowed to be first create after the upload is finished. And second it is also necessary, the file must have the same name with file size 0 or 1 KB and the end .ok example: the original file is test.xls and we need after the upload in the same directory test.xls.ok

I hope it will be clear what we want to do. Thanks for your help.
Regards Carsten
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Originally Posted by: XAAS 

maybe someone can help me. We start with Visual Cron right now and I need my first help.

I will upload files with SFTP, after the upload is finished, we must create on the destination server an ok file. This file is allowed to be first create after the upload is finished. And second it is also necessary, the file must have the same name with file size 0 or 1 KB and the end .ok example: the original file is test.xls and we need after the upload in the same directory test.xls.ok

I hope it will be clear what we want to do. Thanks for your help.
Regards Carsten

Hi, what you can do is make File write task after the upload task, that uses the output of the previous task as filename and then just add an ".ok" after the extension. Using this variable for example, as the filename in the file write task: {TASK(PrevTask|StdOut)}.ok

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I've implemented something similar with a slightly different requirement. I had to create a file on the destination server after a variable number of files were uploaded to indicate all the uploaded files being sent was delivered. I created a local reusable trigger.dat file that I would FTP to the destination server after all data files were delivered. You could add a step that copies the static trigger.dat file to filename.xls.ok (where filename matches the uploaded file) and then FTPs the new file to the server (with delete local copy option to keep your source directory clean). You can always store the filename in a local job variable for reuse from data file to trigger file.
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