Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this version:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Web service Task->Added SOAP Body discovery and execution option
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Web service Task->Added support for using Variables in date fields
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Performance fixes
[FEATURE] Client: Connection Explorer->Improved dragn drop support
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Password rules->New expiration features added
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Oracle->Addes support for stored procedures retrieval and execution (within packages)
[FEATURE] Server: Archive - Compress->Added option "Always create archive" - when checked an empty archive will be created no matter if files are not found
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Cloud Tasks->Implemented Move/Copy actions
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Cloud->Added overwrite options
[BUGFIX] Server: Conditions->Fixed issue cleaning up duplicate Conditions in a Condition set
[BUGFIX] Server: Telegram->Fixed dll issue for Telegram Bot option
[BUGFIX] Server: Azure->Fixed dll issue for Azure virtual machines refresh
[BUGFIX] Server: Crystal reports->Fixed null reference issue when loading parameters
[BUGFIX] Server: Copy files Task->Fixed issue copying from root path
[BUGFIX] Client: Permissions->Fixed problems opening Time exceptions, Connections and Conditions with Read permission
[BUGFIX] Server: .NET Code Task->Fixed issue with delete of temporary files
[BUGFIX] Server: Archive - Compress->Fixed issues with content filters
[BUGFIX] Server: Email Trigger->Fixed problems finding folder
[BUGFIX] Server: Microsoft Teams->Fixed dll reference issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Set folder permissions->Fixed use of Credential
[BUGFIX] Server: Email->Get messages->Fixed problem with Read filter when using Exchange EWS
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Licensing->Fixed an issue with extending trial (sync dates between Client and Server)
[BUGFIX] Server: Copy files Task->Fixed deletion of empty sub folders option
[BUGFIX] Server: PGP - Decrypt->Fixed destination file mask renaming issue
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Firewall buttons->Fixed problems changing/identifying firewall settings
[BUGFIX] Server: Archive - Compress->Fixed issue compressing 7z archive with files from network share
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP - Upload->Fixed problem with output when uploading from different sources
[BUGFIX] Server: File write->When not using Append we added an empty row - that has been fixed
[BUGFIX] Client: GANTT chart->Improved form load speed and experience
[BUGFIX] API/Server: Fixed some trial/pro license issues
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Forum information
Hello folks, could you supply some detail on:
"Client/Server: Oracle->Addes support for stored procedures retrieval and execution (within packages)" please? I'm concerned because we already run stored procedures in packages in 8.3.5! I hope the mechanism we use is not affected.

Originally Posted by: Gary_W 

Hello folks, could you supply some detail on:
"Client/Server: Oracle->Addes support for stored procedures retrieval and execution (within packages)" please? I'm concerned because we already run stored procedures in packages in 8.3.5! I hope the mechanism we use is not affected.


What did not work before was discovery and execution of stored procedures and packages inside. Previous settings *should* work but I recommend you install VC on a test machine and transfer one Connection and one Job to confirm this. Please do this as soon as possible as we plan to release soon.
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Seems to work fine. I never used that functionality before, I always just pasted the fully-qualified procedure name in and it was found just fine (schema.package.procedure). I tried it in 8.3.5 and I see where the problem was; the list was not complete or not sorted right.

A quirk to note: I have a ton of procedures in a package that return data into VC's stdout for that SQL task. It does this by using a sys_refcursor OUT parameter. When I select the procedure from the list, the OUT parameter is populated in the VC paramaters section (as a Variant . However, when run that task generates a "wrong number or types of arguments" Oracle error. By removing the parameter definition in VC for the procedure, all works as expected and data gets returned to STDOUT in VC. Not sure where the cause of this quirk lies.

Actually I found a bug. When I went back in o the SQL task after running it but cancelling a long-running query, the procedure name displayed, but the drop-down list was blank. I pressed refresh and the list was built and displayed the start of the list, as if the current procedure was not entered.
Originally Posted by: Gary_W 

Seems to work fine. I never used that functionality before, I always just pasted the fully-qualified procedure name in and it was found just fine (schema.package.procedure). I tried it in 8.3.5 and I see where the problem was; the list was not complete or not sorted right.

1. A quirk to note: I have a ton of procedures in a package that return data into VC's stdout for that SQL task. It does this by using a sys_refcursor OUT parameter. When I select the procedure from the list, the OUT parameter is populated in the VC paramaters section (as a Variant . However, when run that task generates a "wrong number or types of arguments" Oracle error. By removing the parameter definition in VC for the procedure, all works as expected and data gets returned to STDOUT in VC. Not sure where the cause of this quirk lies.

2. Actually I found a bug. When I went back in o the SQL task after running it but cancelling a long-running query, the procedure name displayed, but the drop-down list was blank. I pressed refresh and the list was built and displayed the start of the list, as if the current procedure was not entered.

Thanks for the feedback. Do you think you can record both in Jing or similar and share the link? Also, please share any package/stored procedure details.


2. this is actually a feature to avoid loading the full list every time - this opens the window faster as well. It also circumvents issues when no connection can be made against db.
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I sent more info via a support e-mail.
Final version released today - thank you for testing!
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