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Client software is displaying a warning for version out of sync (server on our network at 8.5.0, client on desktops running 8.4.1). However when you check for update with client it is saying the version is up to date and no update is available. This may be checking server version since its already at 8.5.0, but this should be more clear and checking client version as well if it is reporting version is out of date when just running client. Thanks.
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This is just a warning. We recommend that you upgrade both Client and Server and certain functions may not work when you use different versions in Client and Server.

EDIT: I think I read your original post to fast. Yes, it compares with the Server version - if connected.
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Thanks we updated both, but I was more referring to how in the client when you click "Check for Updates" on the File tab in 8.4.1 it reports there are no updates available, when in actuality 8.5.0 update is available.
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