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We are having an issue with several of our job that are all looking for a file change to occur in several directories. The issue that we having is that the Triggers for all the jobs will go inactive thus will stop looking for the change and not push the file. I first thought it was happening during our maintenance window when the file server would be offline briefly so I checked the box in the trigger window "Ignore Server Off (always run)" but the Triggers still deactivate.

I just wondering if I am missing something obvious with these triggers. Is there a way to be notified is the trigger goes inactive? Is there a way to tell the trigger to always be active and not shutoff? Or why is it even turning off, seems like a very annoying feature if it is indeed is intended.

Also side note I could get the trigger to work initially to find the file change unless I selected Last Write and Security, the later Security being the one that had to checked to work.
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Yes we have this, it is straightforward to set up alerting which sends out an email when a trigger goes inactive.
Create a job. Add a trigger of type 'Event' - 'Visual Cron' . In the list you have different system events you can use (Trigger inactivated, Trigger inactivated by error and so on). I haven't tested this, but I assume this the way it is supposed to be done.

If the trigger on this job is inactivated, I guess you are screwed. A bit of a catch22 there.

Thanks Thomas I tested it out and it works great to let me know when it goes inactive! The only other question I have and maybe you know is why it is happening. I am thinking once I get going with more jobs that need triggers like this having to activate a number of them will start to get tedious.
Good to hear it worked! I have no idea why it happens. Most of the time it is stable, but some days our triggers inactivate all the time. We use a few mail trigger, and maybe they inactivate if the connection to the mail server is unstable. I don't know.

There is a task you can use to activate all triggers by the way. I haven't tested this one either, but you can try if you want to:

For message, we recommend using this Variable in the Notification (of email body for example):

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We are experiencing this problem too, where our Remote File Trigger is just unexplainably going inactive. I hope this is something that eventually can be fixed inside VC, but for now I will try the technique Thomas suggested about using a Job Task to reactivate the trigger.
Originally Posted by: Jason Schaitel (Neu) 

We are experiencing this problem too, where our Remote File Trigger is just unexplainably going inactive. I hope this is something that eventually can be fixed inside VC, but for now I will try the technique Thomas suggested about using a Job Task to reactivate the trigger.

Most likely the downtime of remote server is larger than your retry attempts X retry interval. Try increasing it in the Trigger settings.
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VCron Trigger Example.png

We have this happen too, it happens about once a month. We have changed our triggers to ensure they are not being lost due to maintenance which only lasts a couple of hours on our local file servers. I have attached a screenshot showing our current trigger settings. Please point out any potential issues you can see as this is literally the most annoying thing about VisualCron that we have to deal with and simply setting a job to see if the triggers haven't run is not an acceptable fix. This currently affects around 52 of our jobs and has been going on throughout various versions of VisualCron.
Originally Posted by: greg.jackson35 

VCron Trigger Example.png

We have this happen too, it happens about once a month. We have changed our triggers to ensure they are not being lost due to maintenance which only lasts a couple of hours on our local file servers. I have attached a screenshot showing our current trigger settings. Please point out any potential issues you can see as this is literally the most annoying thing about VisualCron that we have to deal with and simply setting a job to see if the triggers haven't run is not an acceptable fix. This currently affects around 52 of our jobs and has been going on throughout various versions of VisualCron.

What is the reason according to the log? Are you running the latest (because we have fixed some issues when the retries go away faster than planned)?
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We added an option for "No limit in retries" in this build: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=7498 
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Looking at the log, I see this for a few of the affected jobs: Log.jpg

It seems to happen around the same time the VisualCron server restarts, but it does not happen every time the server with VisualCron restarts, so it is difficult to know if that is the cause or why it would happen. We are not able to upgrade VisualCron at this time because another critical system reliant on VisualCron is being upgraded in a couple of weeks. We can try to upgrade in a month or so. In the meantime, are there any steps you might recommend to resolve?
After researching the logs further, I have found when the server which VisualCron is installed, is restarted, VisualCron will release handlers for triggers and then reactivate them when the server is back up.

Here is an example of this working properly: Correct Trigger Restore.png

Here is an alphabetical example of this not working: Trigger Not Restored.png
There also seems to be incorrect details in the log message field, in the image where the trigger was not restored, notice the Accounting job has details regarding Careington inside of it, that is a completely different job and this seems to be occurring very often. Please let me know what next steps we need to take, hopefully avoiding an upgrade as upgrading VisualCron is often very troubling because of the bugs that I have encountered in the past. We are currently on version 8.2.4.
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