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A. Pechanek
Dear VisualCron team,
we recently found out, that the tasks order displayed in the VisualCron client sometimes differs from the order stored on the VisualCron server. They way how we found this out is that we had a move task, which should move the to the outbound folder and then another SFTP task, which should upload that file to the customer's SFTP server.

However although the Task 1 was the move task and Task 2 was the SFTP task, the SFTP task always ended up with "no file uploaded" error although the first task moved the file. When we then focus on the time of execution, we noticed, that the SFTP task runs first and the Move runs as a second.

The other way how we verified the order on the server was by opening the job, going to variables -> Visual Cron variables -> Jobs -> Active job -> Tasks and there the tasks were ordered as 1st the SFTP and 2nd the move.

We were able to fix this out by restarting the VisualCron server.

However nowadays it is happening more and more often, no matter if this is new job or updating existing job. Recently even the restart doesn't help, so we had to remove and manually add the job again.

We are using the VisualCron 7.6.6 and we have around 548 jobs there.

Is this a known bug of that version or do you have any workaround?

Thank you in advance,
Forum information
Never heard of this issue before. Strongly suggest updating.

Maybe you are adjusting order with the API manually?
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A. Pechanek
Originally Posted by: Support 

Never heard of this issue before. Strongly suggest updating.

Maybe you are adjusting order with the API manually?

Hi Henrik,
thanks for your feedback - unfortunately upgrade is not that easy as it looks like as we noticed that in some occurrences the jobs are not migrated completely / working properly after upgrade. But if this is the only option, then we would have to do that...

Anyway, as a provement I'm sending you the screenshot of the VisualCron Client 'Edit Job' window together with the variables window (which is displaying the order on the server).

Also the cases affected by this issue have following common features:
- Conditions in tasks
- cloned tasks
- Tasks added in later stage and moved
Thanks, there was indeed a sorting issue here in the Variables window. We have fixed this for the next release. Thanks for the report!
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