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Hi, Henrik. First, thank you and all the folks responsible for VC for the recent updates and feature additions!

Now, I have a SQL task that connects to SQL server using Integrated Security (Windows Authentication), and it has been running fine for over 6 months. Today, I get a "Cannot generate SSPI context" error when the task tries to connect.

I did my research and found this has something to do with AD, integrated security, Kerberos, etc. The good news is, I can connect from the host machine of VC, to the SQL Server host machine, using integrated security with any other app. But now I can't get VC to connect.

Any ideas?

Forum information
Hi Mike,

you are probably right about permissions. I think it does not allow the user that you have specified for Credential in the Task. You can try 2 things:

1. Change the Credential

or just for testing:

2. Stop the VisualCron service. Start the VisualCronService.exe by double clicking on the file in program files\VisualCron 4. Then connect and try to execute the Task again. Then we know if is a permission issue on the Credential.
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