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The String - JSON Decode Task allows you to decode a JSON string from a file or value/Variable into formatted output.


JSON Decode tab



Map columns to properties

Optionally, you can configure mapping between object properties (including nested ones) and column names in the output.


Output settings / Include field names

Write the column names in the first line of output.


Example input



    "Property1": "Value1",

    "Property2": "Value2",

    "InnerArray": [{ "Value": "item1" }, { "Value": "item2" }]



    "Property1": "Value3",

    "Property2": "Value4",

    "InnerArray": [{ "Value": "item3" }, { "Value": "item4" }]




Example output

Column1   Column2   ArrayColumn

Value1    Value2    item1

Value3    Value4    item3