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The Microsoft Azure Connection stores connect and logon properties for Microsoft Azure cloud services.


The Microsoft Azure Connection is used in the following Tasks:

Cloud Tasks


Cloud - Upload file(s)

Cloud - List item(s)

Cloud - Download file(s)

Cloud - Create folder

Cloud - Delete item(s)


Azure Tasks

Azure - Start VM

Azure - Stop VM

Azure - Restart VM

Azure - Update VM

Azure - Create VM

Azure - Start web site

Azure - Stop web site

Azure - Restart web site

Azure - Remove web site

Azure - Create web site



Manage Connections > Add > Windows Azure > Main settings tab




The unique name for the Connection



This field is not used.



The connection timeout in seconds. Connection will fail after this time period.


Code page

Code page being used.


Manage Connections > Add > Windows Azure > Authentication tab



Authentication type

For Cloud files use Password and for Azure Tasks use Public key (publish settings file) for Classic - for newer RM handling please use Application. See later down how to download.


Account name

The Account name for the account. Please note that when using Azure Tasks (not Cloud) you need to use publish settings file for authentication.


Account key

The Account key for the account. Please note that when using Azure Tasks (not Cloud) you need to use publish settings file for authentication.



Downloading publish settings file

1. open Powershell

2. type connect-azaccount - logon

3. type Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile



4. the browser will open. Select the subscription and click Validate and then click "Download Publish settings"





Application auth

Create Application here:


In the Azure portal - go to subscriptions and add Contributor role to the applicationg






HTTP request failed with code 400, message is The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.

This probably means that you are using Blobs or "cold" storage - we do not support that at the moment.


ResourceNotFound: No deployments were found. You need to select the right AzureSubscription.


No Such Host Is Known

This means that the storage account name is wrong.