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The main menu Tools > Objects > Audit log option is used to track changes among objects within VisualCron. These type of changes are logged an internal database - the same database where Job and Task logs are stored.


Tools > Objects > Audit log



The audit log is displaying the following information:

Event date - when did the change ocur

User - who did the change

Type - what kind of object that was changed

Job - the related Job name, if available

Object - the name of the object

Event type - what kind of event type (add/update/delete etc)

Diff - if the object contains any changes to previous object

Summary - a short, description of what was changed


The amount of data stored (history) is controlled by the Server > Settings > Log > Database.


By default, if you open the audit log from the Tools menu, the audit log is opened with no filters, displaying the events of today.  The audit log can be opened from various places and use different filters by default. For example, if you right click on a Job, it will show you events for this specific Job only. If you open the audit log from the Credentials window (and do not click on a specific Credential) changes to all Credentials are listed.


Double clicking on a row opens the Versions window, see Audit log > Versions for details.